
Celebrities Are Pushing Biden to Issue Mass Marijuana Pardons

Given that laws regarding marijuana use are slowly being changed all over the country, many people are calling for changes to the criminal justice system as well. In particular, many people’s attitudes regarding those who are in jail or prison for marijuana-related charges are becoming more understanding and lenient. The entertainment realm is no exception. There…

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What Are the Recreational Rules in Arizona?

The ongoing push for widespread cannabis legalization has led many states to become early adopters of their own laws. Arizona is one such state that has embraced legalized cannabis in its many different forms. Beginning in 2010, voters in the state of Arizona would help to pass the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act.  Ten years later, Arizonians…

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When Are Arizona Dispensaries Able to Open to the Public?

Finally, the state of Arizona has legalized marijuana. Voters approved Proposition 207. Now, the law allows those over 21 to possess up to one ounce of marijuana. Plus, residents over 21 may grow up to six marijuana plants in an enclosed area. The law goes into effect on November 30, 2020. But, some things stay…

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Required Testing Could Lead to Medical Marijuana Shortage in Arizona

Medical marijuana has grown in popularity throughout the country, including in Arizona. The medicinal properties of marijuana can provide relief for a variety of symptoms associated with a number of medical conditions, allowing individuals to treat their health problems without chemical medications that often come with negative side effects. As part of ensuring residents have…

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What is Cannabis’ Role in Regenerative Agriculture?

Environmental health is a universal concern. Everyone wants to improve upon the environment, but there are functional issues at play. Agriculture is incredibly important to society, but since the earliest farmers found out about crop rotation, some crops have played a role in adding to rather than depleting resources. Cannabis and Sustainable Agriculture Cannabis, like…

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MMJNews covid-19 lung safety medical marijuana edible

COVID-19 Lung Safety: Non-Smoked Ways to Use Medical Marijuana

Although COVID-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus, isn’t like most of the other types of flu circulating the world during the winter months, it does share similar respiratory symptoms. As with any respiratory illness, smoking cannabis while you’re experiencing symptoms and recovering is never a good idea. While smoking cannabis is safer than tobacco products, it…

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News Cannabis and Coronavirus

Cannabis and Coronavirus: Here’s what you need to know

Everywhere you look, you’ll find news about the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. Many people are taking the appropriate measures to help prevent the spread and hopefully keep themselves from catching this virus. For those who use cannabis, this can create a number of new challenges. The following are tips to help cannabis users safe…

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