Given that laws regarding marijuana use are slowly being changed all over the country, many people are calling for changes to the criminal justice system as well. In particular, many people’s attitudes regarding those who are in jail or prison for marijuana-related charges are becoming more understanding and lenient. The entertainment realm is no exception. There are quite a few celebrities who believe that it is unfair to keep these people behind bars, despite the fact that the drug is slowly being legalized, grown, sold, and regulated by the government. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how the celebrity world is reacting to this issue.
Approximately 150 Celebrities Have Spoken
Although Killer Mike has become a well-known political activist over the years, other celebrities such as Drake, Deion Sanders, Kevin Garnett, and many others have mostly remained silent on such matters. However, the notion that many minorities and others are in prison for a drug that is already legal in several states seems to be the tipping point for a large group of celebrities and public figures. In fact, a group of over 150 stars, law enforcement professionals, athletes, and scholars all signed a letter that was recently delivered to president Joe Biden.
The Gist of the Letter
In a nutshell, the letter called for a “full, complete, and unconditional pardon” for all non-violent offenders who have federal marijuana convictions. In other words, public figures from all walks of life have decided that it is unfair to force these people to serve their entire sentences, despite the fact that marijuana is on the verge of being legalized and many people in corporate America, as well as the government, have already started cashing in on this lucrative opportunity.
Pointing out that the “war on drugs” seems to have done more harm to minority communities, especially, these celebrities have come together for one common cause. The letter was not only an attempt to urge President Joe Biden and his administration to reconsider marijuana laws and release non-violent marijuana offenders, but it was also written to remind Biden of the fact that he used marijuana decriminalization as a central talking point during his campaign; a promise he is expected to make good on, sooner than later.
What’s the Hold-Up?
As Sen. Bernie Sanders pointed out, President Biden has the power to end federal marijuana prohibition. Given that he essentially promised to do so during his campaign, many people are wondering what’s taking so long. No matter what Biden’s reasoning is, it seems that this is becoming an issue that he can no longer afford to ignore.