
Celebrities Are Pushing Biden to Issue Mass Marijuana Pardons

Given that laws regarding marijuana use are slowly being changed all over the country, many people are calling for changes to the criminal justice system as well. In particular, many people’s attitudes regarding those who are in jail or prison for marijuana-related charges are becoming more understanding and lenient. The entertainment realm is no exception. There…

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What Are the Recreational Rules in Arizona?

The ongoing push for widespread cannabis legalization has led many states to become early adopters of their own laws. Arizona is one such state that has embraced legalized cannabis in its many different forms. Beginning in 2010, voters in the state of Arizona would help to pass the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act.  Ten years later, Arizonians…

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Americans and Marijuana: Fact vs. Fiction

The onward march of widespread cannabis legalization continues to pervade much of North America. At the time of this writing, cannabis has been legalized for recreational use within 18 states as well as Washington D.C. Medical cannabis brings up the total of cannabis-friendly states to 36. It is clear that there is a very real…

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How Recreational Cannabis Legalization Will Affect the Arizona Economy

The world of legalized cannabis has never looked more promising than it does today. Cannabis has been completely legalized in 16 states and Washington DC. An additional 36 states have also passed legalized medical marijuana. For the first time in our nation’s history, the vast majority of Americans have access to legal cannabis products to support their…

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