MMJ image of delta 8 thc

The Science Behind Delta-8-THC

Delta-8-THC: What Is It, and How Does It Work? Much has been made in recent years over the key differences between cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Both of these chemicals offer multiple health and wellness benefits, although CBD products lack sufficient levels of THC to produce psychoactive effects. When people talk about THC’s ability to…

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Understanding Edibles: How Strong Is A Marijuana Edible?

The recreational and medicinal use of cannabis can be traced back to the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung in 2727 B.C. Over the intervening years, cannabis has evolved in both form and function which has led to mass commercialization of products like cannabis edibles. Edible cannabis products are typically going to be comprised of food items…

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Wake Up With These 6 Strains

Many Americans start their day with a cup of coffee every morning. When the effects of caffeine wind off, their back to their local Starbucks for another cup. While coffee may help many people get through the day, others are highly sensitive to caffeine so this isn’t an option. But what is an option is…

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MMJNews covid-19 lung safety medical marijuana edible

COVID-19 Lung Safety: Non-Smoked Ways to Use Medical Marijuana

Although COVID-19, otherwise known as Coronavirus, isn’t like most of the other types of flu circulating the world during the winter months, it does share similar respiratory symptoms. As with any respiratory illness, smoking cannabis while you’re experiencing symptoms and recovering is never a good idea. While smoking cannabis is safer than tobacco products, it…

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News Cannabis and Coronavirus

Cannabis and Coronavirus: Here’s what you need to know

Everywhere you look, you’ll find news about the Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19. Many people are taking the appropriate measures to help prevent the spread and hopefully keep themselves from catching this virus. For those who use cannabis, this can create a number of new challenges. The following are tips to help cannabis users safe…

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